# of Players
20-30 Minutes
Super Snipers is a one-to-two-player dueling sniper game that features easy to pick up rules, fast and intense gameplay, simultaneous turns, virtually no downtime, and a familiar polyomino puzzle mechanic used in a novel and exciting way.
Art and Graphic Design by: Hwa Siang
Play on Tabletop Simulator
Check out the Rulebook (English and French)
TTS Scripting by: Alexei Menardo
The Super Snipers Kickstarter Video!
Want to learn how-to-play Super Snipers from me (the designer)?
How to Teach Super Snipers:
Reviews, Previews, and more How-to-Plays:
Super Snipers Sell Sheet
Some images are a little outdated now, but the core of the game is still expressed succinctly here.
A Puzzly Sniper Duel that takes place over 3 Phases:
Hiding Phase: Secretly place your three Hiding Cards above your opponent’s Locations. Only one will conceal your hiding spot!
Your Opponent could be hidden in any of the 3 Locations in front of you.
Locate Phase: Place Polyominoes, called “Focus”, to Isolate the central crosshairs and reveal your opponent’s hiding spot.
Cover Surveillance Tiles to complete Surveillance and give yourself a boost when moving to the Target Phase.
You’ve Isolate the crosshairs and discovered your opponent’s Hiding Spot!
Target Phase: Now that you’ve located your opponent, use your Focus to Isolate any Innocent Bystanders, Isolate the Primary Target in the Kill Box, and take the shot!
You’ve nearly isolated all Innocents. Once you do, you just need to place a Focus so that the Primary Target is isolated in the Kill Box……
….then, place your Bullet so that it covers the Primary Target to complete the Kill! First to 3 Kills wins.
Game Modes
Duel Mode
In Duel Mode, you and your opponent take turns simultaneously.
Quickdraw Mode
Played with 10 second timers, you may start your next turn as soon as the timer is up and you’ve placed your Focus. This mode is intense!
Two Solo Modes!
Contract Mode: Face off against an Automa Sniper in a Duel.
Hostage Rescue: An intense real-time face-off against two Super Snipers at once. Try to complete two target grids in 10-second spurts. But every time the timer is up, the AI pulls a Focus starting the countdown to the Snipers taking a shot at you first or taking out the hostages.
Light & Shadow Mini-Expansion.
Light and Shadow Mini-Expansion.
Introducing 2 new Snipers:
J@NU5 is a mind-hacker capable of shutting down their opponent's powers for short periods of time and stealing their basic ability when enraged!
SUBHUTI is a monk with a Basic Ability that becomes less potent the more hits he lands but an Adrenaline power that becomes more powerful with every shot he takes.