Have a design that’s right for Galen’s Games?
Submissions are open until December 10th, 2024
I am currently taking submissions for Mint tin Games (Altoid-sized / 60 x 95 x 20 mm) looking to join the Galen’s Games Mint Tin Series! I am looking for one game for 2025 and 3-4 games for 2026. Please read the information below before submitting!
Here is what I am looking for:
1) Plays its best at 2 players. Additional player counts are fine, but not necessary.
2) Everything, including the rules, fits in a Mint Tin (I can work with you on this).
3) Must be able to be learned in 5-10 minutes and play a full game in 20 minutes.
4) Must be willing to have your game developed. That means potential changes to themes, mechanics, victory conditions, etc.
5) Cannot require anything outside of the Mint Tin.
6) Simple win conditions (best of 3 for example) or simple scoring that can be done without paper or trackers.
7) Not needed, but a solo mode is a plus. If you don't have one, we (or I) will make one.
What you can expect from me if I sign your game:
1) $500 advance upon signing.
2) Include you in all aspects of development (in as much as you want to be). I want you to feel like this is the best version of your game.
3) Fair contract terms that include getting paid your percentage shortly after the KS and up front after games are produced.
4) A well thought out and marketed Kickstarter with convention and retail support afterwards.
What you will need to submit:
Fill out this form.
You will need a sell sheet. It doesn’t have to be perfect or fancy but it should clearly relay the hook of your game and its components list.
Video is optional. Please keep it under 2 minutes.
Not right away, but I will need a way to play your game if I’m interested. Tabletop Simulator (or similar) or physical copy is awesome. I can also do a Print and Play assuming it’s simple enough.
Things to keep in mind:
I am a one-man operation. I will try to provide some feedback to all submissions, but this will take time.
I am only signing a maximum of 5 games at this point. If your’s isn’t selected it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not a great game. It just means that another game was a better fit for what I am trying to do.
Your game is the most important consideration, but you are also important! I want people who can communicate and work with me on getting a game to the point of being publishable.